
Thanking her rehab champions

“I’ll never forget how they took care of me, kept me cheerful and happy, and helped me back to my life.”


Blame it on the shopping cart. 78-year-old Mary Borg was leaving the grocery store last September when her cart tipped over a curb and pulled her down. Her shoulder was badly damaged. A successful surgery at St. Michael’s Hospital took care of that, but then she needed rehab. For that she spent two months at Providence Healthcare, receiving what she called “the best and kindest care I ever imagined.”

Mary says they made sure she got food that she liked. They made sure she did the exercises she needed. And they made sure that a slightly scared older woman who lives alone with few people to talk to had companionship and reassurance every step of the way. Mary was so grateful for the care she received that she made a donation to thank her healthcare champions, and sent letters to the staff at Providence who helped her.

“I’ll never forget how they took care of me, kept me cheerful and happy, and helped me back to my life.”

Want to show your appreciation for the care you or your loved one received at Providence Healthcare? Donate to Thank Your Healthcare Champion.

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