
Frequently Asked Questions


Contact Information

  • How can I contact the Foundation?

Making a Donation

  • How can I make a donation to St. Michael’s Hospital or Providence Healthcare?

  • What types of donations does St. Michael’s Foundation accept?

Monthly Giving

  • What is the monthly giving program?

  • How can I become a monthly donor?

  • Can I change or cancel my monthly donation?

Tax Receipts

  • Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

  • How long will it take to receive my donation receipt by mail?

Specific Programs and Clinics

  • Can I designate my donation to a specific area of the hospital?

Fundraising and Solicitations

  • Why does St. Michael’s Foundation conduct door-to-door and street marketing campaigns?

  • How do I know my donation has been processed?

  • How do I know that a canvasser is legitimate?

  • Are St. Michael’s canvassers volunteers?

  • Can I make a cash donation at my door?

  • What is your privacy policy?

  • Does the Foundation trade or sell mailing lists?

  • How can I update my donor information?

Making a Legacy Gift

  • How do I include a gift in my will?

Fundraising and Events

  • How can I fundraise or host an event to support St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation?


  • How can I volunteer?


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