
“I am a St. Michael’s advocate for life”

An alert TTC driver and a great hospital team saved Michele-Marie Beer’s life

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On June 1st, I found out I had a malignant brain tumour that was threatening to kill me. It was the luckiest day of my life.

Why lucky? Because I got on the right streetcar that day. The driver noticed I was looking really bad, and even though I insisted I was “just dizzy,” she insisted on calling an ambulance. I have been told that if I had just gone home I would probably have died.

And again, why lucky? Because the ambulance took me to the right hospital. They took me to St. Michael’s, and it was a magical experience. Starting with Dr. Michael Cusimano, the surgeon who removed the tumour and saved my life. But also, well, literally everyone else. Every doctor, every nurse, my entire oncology team. They all listened to my history, they listened to my fears, and they heard me, and they remembered. I felt so safe and so protected. I just trusted everybody immensely. Do you know how rare that is?

I was in hospital for 19 days, and am now in the midst of six rounds of chemotherapy. I can’t say it’s pleasant, but the plan is, it’s going to make sure I stay alive and well. And that most certainly is pleasant.

I meant what I said earlier, I really am lucky. Lucky for that wonderful TTC driver, and lucky for my wonderful team at St. Michael’s Hospital. I tell everybody, I am an advocate for St. Michael’s for life.

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