
10 fun facts about St. Michael's newest heart surgeon

We get to the heart of St. Michael's newest heart surgeon, Dr. Dan Burns.

Dr. Dan Burns

Dr. Dan Burns

During his time at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Dan Burns was recognized as a national leader in mitral valve surgery. He returned home this summer to build upon St. Michael’s world-class cardiac team’s track-record of innovation and collaboration.

From his favourite bedside read and the TV series he compares to a ‘warm bowl of chicken soup’, to the potion that powered him through medical school and his ‘hands-down’ favourite slice of pizza in the city. We get to the heart of St. Michael’s newest heart surgeon, Dr. Dan Burns.

What brings you joy?

I love my job, but I have to remind myself that there are other things in life that make me who I am. I find a lot of joy in tapping into those things as often as I can—whether it’s being on my bike, rock climbing, or just being outside and enjoying time with close friends and family.

What are you reading right now?

I am on the last book of the Three Body Problem series by CIXIN Liu, which is now on Netflix. It’s outstanding. Highly recommend it. If you’re into sci-fi it’s an absolute winner.

Top TV series of all-time?

The West Wing. Without question. I always thought I’d go into law and politics and I still really love that. I could watch any episode at any time. It’s like a warm bowl of chicken soup.

Who do you admire?

I’ve been fortunate to have so many instrumental and influential mentors in my career. There were two incredible women cardiac surgeons in particular who taught me so much about how to show up for my patients, their families and my colleagues.

Favourite flavour of ice cream?

Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. Big hunks of cherries and chocolate. It’s perfect.

What is one skill you wish you had?

I really wish I was better at swimming. I kind of just sink! I’ve always wanted to do a triathlon, but I just hit a wall. And that’s OK! It’s ok to be good at some things, and bad at other things. Right?

What’s the one thing that got you through medical school?

Coffee. Way too much coffee. I’ve cut down to 1-2 cups a day now.

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing today…

I’d probably either be a bespoke tailor, like on Savile Row in England, or running my own espresso bar.

Best slice of pizza in the city?

North of Brooklyn. No competition. I’m an East Coast thin-crust guy. I’ll die on that hill.

What’s the best thing about working at St. Michael’s?

What’s the best thing about working at St. Michael’s? I’ve only been here for a couple of months, but one thing that was clear from the very moment I joined was how collegial the team is. Everyone gets along and genuinely likes each other–not just the surgeons and cardiologists, but the nurses and administrative staff. It’s such a warm environment to work in. One of my mentors once said, “at its highest level, cardiac surgery has to be done among friends.” We’re absolutely set up for that here.

To hear Dr. Burns’ top 3 heart health tips, click here.

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